Sunday, November 8, 2020

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary time Year A - November 8, 2020

DATE :8/11/2020 EVENT : 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A). COLOUR: GREEN READINGS : Wis. 6:12-16; Responsorial Psalm 62:2-8; 1Thessa. 4:13-18; Gospel Accl. John 24:42-44; Matthew 25:1-13. THEME: OPPORTUNITY OFTEN FAVOURS THE PREPARED MIND INTRODUCTION : Greetings beloved people of God and fellow pilgrims. I welcome you to the 32nd Sunday in the Ordinary time of the Church. (An Ordinary time is the season when the Church has no particular celebration). On this Sunday beloved friends, I wish to reflect with us on the theme, " Opportunity Often Favours the Prepared Mind". Beloved, experience has shown that there are many ways to earn a decent living, because God has blessed us differently and has endowed each of us with varied levels of talents and capabilities. Nevertheless, the endless possibilities of how to irk a decent living or the scramble for the scarce resources of life can be grouped into two arguably: Education through Academic qualification, degree and certificate or Education through apprenticeship (learning a trade or handwork under a master or mistress). I believe that in whatever field of life you decide to venture into, you must possess either of these two forms of education. However beloved, while some persons are content with acquiring one out of these two forms of education, other wiser ones acquire both the academic and apprenticeship forms of education. Because, no one ever knows for sure from which angle God is going to bless him or her. Beloved, although the parable of the ten virgins in today's Gospel reading of Matt. 25:1-13, may not make much sense to contemporary Christians because the custom therein is now foreign to most of us, the lessons are still very apt to the modern day Christian. The central crux or message which Christ wants us to go home with today, is this: there is need for each of us to acquire the kind of wisdom necessary to succeed in this life and to also succeed in gaining eternal life. Dear friends, the reason why five out of the ten virgins were called foolish was not because they had no oil in their lamps, but because they lacked the wisdom to prepare against eventualities, which was why they were not able to succeed and complete their journey of entering into the wedding hall with the bridegroom. Chai!!! If only they had a spare oil !!! Child of God, as we reflect on today's readings, especially the wisdom of the first reading (Wis.6:12-16), which was dramatised through the parable of the wise and foolish virgins in the Gospel reafing, I wish to communicate a few wisdom thoughts to us, which will enable us to succeed in life and so enter into heaven. Never depend on one option. If you are looking for financial prosperity, diversify your sources of income, take the pain of investing, to be happy, try several knew things, to ensure your financial safety, have several savings. If you are looking for a marital partner, have several friends amongst the opposite sex, until you get engaged. If you are looking for knowledge read several books, if you are looking for advice or direction, ask several persons, if you are looking for a means of livelihood, get several qualification, if you move often, always take different routes, when embarking on a journey, carry extra cash and personal effect. For a better understanding of Scriptures, read several translations of the Bible; to develop your spirit man, listen to several preachers, pray several times; to know more about God and religion seek Him in several places; to pray well, try several patterns and methods (vocal, reflective, ejaculatory, meditative, spontaneous). To be able to hear God, listen to His voice from several modes (Bible, Homily, spiritual direction, meditation and your conscience). Beloved, the summary of today's Homily is this: Prepare yourself in all front and in all aspects, have the wisdom to always make alternative plans, always take the pains of going the extra mile and remain vigilant and attentive to the voice of God, when He calls you into an opportunity that He Himself has prepared for you. God bless you OH that today you would listen to his voice harden not your heart (Ps.95:7-8). LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, make me vigilant and attentive to your voice that I may heed your call at all times. May I find joy in your presence and delight in doing your will.....Amen HAPPY SUNDAY TO YOU DEAR FRIENDS @Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara MSP.⛪

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Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Thursday Easter Week 6 - May 13, 2021- Ascension

DATE : 13/5/2021   EVENT : The Ascension of the Lord (Solemnity), Holy day of Obligation   COLOUR: White   READINGS : Acts 1:1-11;    ...