Monday, November 9, 2020

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Monday Week 31 Ordinary time - November 9, 2020

DATE : 9/11/2020, Monday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time (A) EVENT : Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome (Feast) COLOUR : WHITE READINGS : Ezek. 47:1-2,8-9,12; Resp. Psalm 45:2-3,5-6,8-9; 1Cor. 3:9-11,16-17; John 2:13-22. THEME: YOU ARE GOD'S TEMPLE: BE SACRED Greetings beloved people of God. I welcome you to "My Catholic Homily Digest". As this new working begins, in which we celebrate the dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome, I want to reflect with us on the theme " You Are God's Temple: Be Sacred". Beloved, in the history of the Jewish people, the Temple held a significant place in the life of the people. So much that their culture, life, tradition, and belief system, revolved round the occult or temple. Usually, in the Jewish temple, there is a place called "The Holy of Holies", which is the most sacred place in the temple. For it is there that the Sacred Ark of the Covenant is kept. Beloved, We know that the temple is a place of encounter with the Divine, a place where we go to draw life and energy to carry on with our lives, a place where we go to get recharged. Beloved, in the first reading of today, the prophet Ezekiel tells us that, the spirit of God fills His temple like a flowing river, and it give life and vitality whereever it flows and whatever it touches or comes in contact with. Just like the flowing river which nourishes every flower and tree planted beside it, so does God give nourishment to anyone who stays connected to Him. However, like the river which not only gives nourishment but also purifies filth, God is our great purifier, cleanner and sanctifier. This is the reason why Jesus, tried to cleanse the temple in John 2:13-22. For if the temple must remain a sacred place of encounter and nourishment, it must be constantly cleansed of all forms of filth which acts as residues. Beloved, the Catholic Church believes and teaches that with the coming of Christ, the temple has ceased to be the only place where God dwells. In fact, she believes that most importantly, we are now the new temples of God. Thus, our bodies having been washed in the blood of the lambs and sanctified in the waters of baptism are now sacred temples of the Holy Spirit, where God has made his eternal abode. So, my dear friends, as befitting of temples, we are called today, to treat our bodies as sacred vessels, as a holy sanctuary where God dwell. Beloved, if for nothing, let us fear the fact that if we desecrate our bodies, the temple of God with impunity and all kinds of sexual immoralitites, if we carry out all kinds of filthy activities and have a total dusregard for this temple, One day, Jesus will come with His judgement whip to cleanse us (John 2:13-22), God will destroy us like the Jewish temple was destroy (Ezra 1:1–4, 2 Chronicles 36:22-23), and the Holy Spirit will depart from us like the Ichabod (1Sam 4:21). But, if we treat our bodies as holy vessels, acknowledge and confess our filth once we fall short of God's glory, we shall stand firm like the age long Lateran Basilica and our lives shall bear fruit like trees planted by the side of a flowing river, producing fruits 12 times a year at each month. God bless you #End Sars, #End Political Oppression #End Bad Governance. Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts (Ps.95:7-8). LET US PRAY : Lord Jesus, help me to treat with all sense of sacredness, my body which has become the temple of God, so that I may gain nourishment from your wellspring....Amen HAPPY NEW WEEK BELOVED FRIENDS @ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP. ⛪

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Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Thursday Easter Week 6 - May 13, 2021- Ascension

DATE : 13/5/2021   EVENT : The Ascension of the Lord (Solemnity), Holy day of Obligation   COLOUR: White   READINGS : Acts 1:1-11;    ...