Monday, October 5, 2020

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Monday Week 27 Ordinary time - October 5, 2020



 DATE : 5/10/2020, Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time (A)

 EVENT :Mass of the Weekday


 READINGS : Gal.1:6-12; Resp. Psalm 110:1-2,7-10; Luke 10:25-37.




    Greetings beloved people of God. I welcome you to "My Catholic Homily Digest". As this new working week begins today, I want to reflect with us on the theme "The Unpalatable Gospel". Arguably, after the word 'Love', the next most bastardized and abused word is the 'Gospel'. The Gospel of Christ has been so much distorted and abused that it no longer evokes the aura and conversion power that it once had. People now preach the Gospel of Christ, not really to call sinners to repentance, which is the original intent of the Gospel, but to deceive the gullible,  unperceiving and uncritical ones to rally around them in order to mystify and enrich themselves. Wolves in sheep clothing.


   Beloved, In the Gospel of today, Jesus summarised the quiddity of the Gospel to the Jewish lawyer who came to tempt and disconcert Him,  when He told him to love God, his neighbour and himself with every drop of life and energy in him. This Gospel that Christ came to preach is one which poses as a stumbling block to those whose hearts are darkened with evil, unlove and hate. It is a Gospel that calls a spade by its name, that condemns sin not the sinner, that has zero tolerance to mediocrity and falsehood, one that comes with the cross, one that does not promise an utopian life here on earth, one that tells the sinner to repent or die, one that acknowledges Jesus and His Pasch as the only way to salvation, one that calls all people to unity and oneness in Christ (Ut Unum Sint).


   Child of God, in this new week, I entreat you to run away from every false Gospel, from every prosperity Gospel, from every Gospel that sees only evil and calamity and which requires you to perform a sacrifice for cleansing, and a Gospel that does not make you uncomfortable in your sin. These palatable kinds of Gospels are fake and leads to death, but the former unpalatable ones gives everlasting life if we abide by it. God bless you.


   Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts (Ps.95:7-8)


 LET US PRAY : Lord Jesus, may your love always be the foundation of my life. Free me from every fear and selfish concern that I may freely give myself in loving service to others, even to the point of laying my life down for their sake.....Amen




@ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP.

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