Sunday, October 4, 2020

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary time Year A - October 4, 2020


DATE :4/10/2020

 EVENT : 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)


 READINGS : Isaiah 5:2-7; Responsorial Psalm 79:9.12-16.19-20; Phil. 4:6-9; Gospel Accl. John 15:16; Matthew 21:33-43.





                   Greetings beloved people of God and fellow pilgrims. I welcome you to the 27th Sunday in the Ordinary time of the Church. (An Ordinary time is the season when the Church has no particular celebration). On this Sunday, beloved friends, I wish to reflect with us on the theme, "What Has God not Done to Make You Repent". Beloved, it is good that I begin today's homily by stating clearly that the primary reason why Christ incarnated, went through the Pascal mystery  and why the Church of God is still standing today is so that all of humanity will repent, denounce their old ways and be saved. Hence, the very day everybody in the world repents and acknowledges Christ as God of heaven and earth, I believe the Church would cease to exist. But until then, we will keep preaching and calling each other to repentance.


   Beloved, often times I can not help but wonder how God would be feeling whenever He looks down upon us and considers how much efforts and sacrifices He has put in for us to turn from our evil ways. Yet all His efforts met a frustrating defiance and resistance in the hearts of man. I can imagine how discouraged, disappointed and heartbroken God feels right now. However, in this time of utilitarianism, consumerism and economic addiction, most persons would easily give up on any business or project which refuses to yield the desired result or profit after spending much on it. Yet God has not given up on His project of saving you and I.


    In today's first reading and in the Gospel, we are told how a vineyard owner tried his best to make sure the vineyard gets enough fertilizer, water, manure, digging, weeding, mulching and trimming for it to produce a good harvest. But to his greatest disappointment, the vineyard produced below expectation, such that he was not even able to taste a single fruit from that which his own hands have planted. Is this not the case between we and God today? Ask yourself, what benefit is God deriving from me since I came into existence? What are the fruits which my life has produced? What has God not done for me? Has He not given me life, family and friends, health, connection, travel mercy, academic quifications, job, children, wife and husband. Has He not given me food, shelter, clothing, favours, protection and assigned angels to watch over me? Has He not given me the priceless gift of His only begotten Son and my Catholic faith? Now I ask again: What else do you want God to do to make you repent.


    Child of God, I wish to tell us that God is not happy with you, with me and with the entire Church. In fact He is disappointed in us, and like Isaiah prophesied in the first reading, God is going to knock us down and lay us waste in His anger if something is not done and done fast. I pray that we may resolve in our hearts today to repay God with good fruits for His goodness to us. God bless you


OH that today you would listen to his voice harden not your heart (Ps.95:7-8).


 LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, thank you for all the benefits which you have given us, I am sorry for all the pains and insults which you have borne for us, help me by your grace to live a life that will bear good fruits from today onwards....Amen


 HAPPY SUNDAY TO YOU.....( Barka da Lahadi)


 @Fada  Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara MSP.

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