Saturday, January 23, 2021

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Saturday Week 2 of Ordinary Time Year I - January 23, 2021

DATE : 23/1/2021, Saturday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time year (B)

 EVENT : Mass of the Weekday/B.V.M

 COLOUR: Green/White

 READINGS: Heb. 9:2-3.11-14; Resp. Psalm 47:2-3.6-7.8-9; Mark 3:20-21.


    Greetings beloved people of God. I welcome you to "My Catholic Homily Digest". On this Twenty Third day of January 2021, I wish to reflect with us on the theme: " Beware Of Inhibiting Love". Beloved in Christ, often times, the love from parents and siblings could be over protective. This protective love is meant to keep us from stress, harm, foreseen danger or merely to ward off enemies. A protective love often hinders us from fully plunging ourselves into tasks which could be selfless and materially unrewarding. This protective love, is usually not done out of malice, but from a sincere concern for our good and self preservation. However, to break through the conventional and do things which are spiritually rewarding and praise worthy, we must not allow this protective love to inhibit or hinder us.

     In the Gospel reading of today, Mark 3:20-21, we are told that out of genuine concern for his health and wellbeing, the family of Jesus (maybe Mary and his relatives); wanted to cease Jesus from the crowd so that he could come home and eat something. Because he has been away ministering and attending to the languishing crowd, the pitiable sick and infirm, the demon tormented persons and feeding the hungry souls. I am also sure that if they had their ways, they would keep him from spending too much time with the people at the detriment of his health. But, Jesus, being aware of who he is and his mission, could not allow himself to be inhibited by this familiar protective love. The height of Jesus' selfless service, was what the first reading of today speaks about in Heb. 9:2-3.11-14. When in exchange for the blood of goats and bull calves which could only wash the outermost of our sin, Christ offered his blood as the ultimate price, which not only washes our outermost sins, but also purifies our innermost being. I believe  that if his family has a way of stopping him, they like Peter, would have tried to prevent him from sacrificing himself.

    Beloved in Christ, do you earnestly want to serve God, but your family and friends often discourage you. Do you have the heart of helping people, but your family and friends tell you to keep you money, Do you want to engage in selfless services, and your friends tell you that you should get involved in something more rewarding. Do you want to attend Church programs and your family tells you how dangerous and unsafe the road to Church is. Decide, like Jesus today, whose voice to listen. And remember, life is never fully lived until it is lived for others.

Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts (Ps.95:7-8).

 #End Political Oppression

#End Bad Governance 

 LET US PRAY :Lord Jesus, help me to beware of Inhibiting love and to have the courage to do the good deeds I want to do for your sake......

 The Lord be with you....... and with your Spirit.

 May Almighty God bless you the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit......Amen


@ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP.

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Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Thursday Easter Week 6 - May 13, 2021- Ascension

DATE : 13/5/2021   EVENT : The Ascension of the Lord (Solemnity), Holy day of Obligation   COLOUR: White   READINGS : Acts 1:1-11;    ...