Friday, January 22, 2021

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Friday Week 2 of Ordinary Time Year I - January 22, 2021

DATE : 22/1/2021, Friday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time year (B)

 EVENT : Mass of the Weekday/St. Vincent, Deacon (Opt. Memorial)

 COLOUR: Green/Red

 READINGS: Heb. 8:6-13; Resp. Psalm 85: and 13-14; Mark 3:13-19.


    Greetings beloved people of God. I welcome you to "My Catholic Homily Digest". On this Twenty Second day of January 2021, I wish to reflect with us on the theme: " Beware Of The Sin Of The Conscience". Beloved, according to the law of the society, ignorance is never an excuse to breaking the law. But if I may ask beloved friends, how many of us even know our fundamental human rights? How many of us are even aware of the contents of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria? Often times, we break civil laws without even knowing, until we are arrested and several count of charges pressed against us, before we become aware of the crimes committed. However, we know that all positive laws are geared toward the betterment of the human society. This is true also of divine laws, only that it is also geared towards proper worship of God. Now, in Exodus 20:1-17, God gave the people his ten laws through Moses, to guide their conducts towards him and to one another. But due to human interventions, these ten laws had been multiplied to over nine hundred laws before the birth of Christ. Thus, it became impossible for the people to memorise and faithfully observe all the laws. Most of them like us, are even ignorant of the law, so they offend God without knowing it. And since God is not an unjust judge, he didn't want to judge the people on something they didn't know.

   This is the reason why in the first reading of today, God decided to abrogate the old law, and to put a new law, which will no more be written in the tablets of stone, but in the hearts of all people. Thus, with the sacrifice of Christ, the old law and its shortcomings were replaced by a new covenant, signed by the blood of Christ, and implanted in the heart of all believers. This is what the Church calls the law of conscience. Thus, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "Conscience is a law of the mind, it is a judgement of reason whereby the human person recognise the moral quality of a concrete act that he or she is going to perform" (CCC. Art. 1778). Thus, deep within our heart, we discover a law which we have not learnt, but which we must obey. It's voice, ever calling us to love and to do what is good and to avoid evil. This conscience is a law inscribed by God as his sanctuary where as a loving Father, His voice beckons on us each time we want to err.

   So, beloved friends, just as it would be very disrespectful not to heed the voice of a father calling one to right actions, so also it is with ignoring the voice of God in our consciences. In fact, it is a sin deserving of harsher punishment to ignore the voice of Conscience. Listen to me child of God, if want to be holy before God, just obey your conscience. for a well formed conscience will never mislead you. Remember and do not sin against your moral conscience.

Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts (Ps.95:7-8).

 #End Political Oppression

#End Bad Governance 

 LET US PRAY :Lord Jesus, through your death, you have established a new covenant in the heart of men, help me to carefully follow your voice ever directing me to right actions through my conscience. ......

 The Lord be with you....... and with your Spirit.

 May Almighty God bless you the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit......Amen


@ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP.

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Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Thursday Easter Week 6 - May 13, 2021- Ascension

DATE : 13/5/2021   EVENT : The Ascension of the Lord (Solemnity), Holy day of Obligation   COLOUR: White   READINGS : Acts 1:1-11;    ...