Monday, December 7, 2020

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Monday Week 2 of Advent - December 7, 2020

  DATE : 7/12/2020, Monday of the 2nd week of Advent Year (B)

 EVENT : St. Ambrose of Milan, Bishop and doctor (Memorial)


 READINGS : Isaiah 35:1-10; Resp. Psalm 84:9-14; Luke 5:17-26.


    Greetings beloved people of God. I welcome you to "My Catholic Homily Digest". On this seventh third day of December in which we celebrate the memorial of St. Ambrose of Milan, I wish to reflect with us on the theme: " The Highest Miracle we can experience is the Forgiveness of Sin". Beloved, what other kind of miracle can we receive that will be greater than the privilege of being set free from the powers of darkness, from damnation and to be reinstated into our original inheritance with God. Beloved, there is a difference between miracle and magic. Thus, while magic can be used to produce almost all kinds of remarkable wonders, which so many people easily mistake as miracle, the forgiveness of sin can never be magical, but miraculous because it is completely the  prerogative of the Divine. Hence, only the divine nature can forgive sins. And unfortunately, many of us have priced magical miracles such as healing, deliverance, success, financial prosperity,  and so on more than forgiveness of sins.

   Listen to me beloved, to show us the importance of this divine miracle of forgiveness of sins, the Church has dedicated two basic sacraments out of her seven sacraments to the healing and forgiveness of the injured soul. First is the Sacrament of penance, in which a penitent is granted pardon for sins committed and us reconciled back to God and his Church. The second is the sacrament of Extreme Unction or Anointing of the sick. Many people misunderstand the aim of this sacrament to be solely the physical healing of the sick, aged or dying. No, this conception is wrong, the first aim of this sacrament is to offer to the person the highest form of miracle which is to heal the soul of the person through the forgiveness of their sins, and then secondarily, if it pleases God, to grant them bodily or physical healing. This reality is vividly demonstrated by Jesus in the Gospel reading of today, Luke 5:17-26, with the healing of the paralytic that was lowered to him from the roof by his believing friends. In that Gospel narrative, we hear Jesus chastising the Pharisees and Scribes, who blamed him for forgiving the man's sins. Jesus, made us to understand here that the utmost concern of God is the healing and freedom of our souls from the grip of satanic bondage. This is what is meant in the statement, "whomever the Son of Man sets free is free indeed" (Cf. John 8:36).

     Thus, freedom from sin and the grip of the devil, unlocks other kinds of magical miracles such as healing from a particular sickness, breakthrough, success, childbirth, fruit of the womb, and so on. So my dear friends, sin cripples us far more than any physical ailment can. Sin is the work of the kingdom of darkness and it holds us in eternal bondage. There is only one solution and that is the healing, cleansing power of Jesus' forgiveness. Thus, sin is the only blockade that keeps us from receiving the healing, abundant life and blessings of God's kingdom. So, if you wish to participate in the dividends of Christ's coming this advent, rid yourself of all sinful habits and pray earnestly for the miracle of forgiveness of sins more than anything else. 

  Do not be afraid for you will be remembered in my priestly prayers throughout this month. God bless you

#End Sars,

#End Political Oppression

#End Bad Governance

   Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts (Ps.95:7-8)

 LET US PRAY :Lord Jesus, may your healing power and love touch every area of my life, my innermost thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and memories. Pardon my offenses and transform me in the power of your Holy Spirit that I may walk confidently in your truth and righteousness.......

 The Lord be with you....... and with your Spirit.

 May Almighty God bless you the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit......Amen


@ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP.

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