Sunday, April 25, 2021

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Easter - April 25, 2021

DATE : 25/4/2021

 EVENT : Fourth Sunday of the Eastertide/Good Shepherd's Sunday/Vocation's Sunday

 COLOUR: White

 READINGS : Acts 4:8-12; Resp. Psalm 117:1,8-9,21-23,26,28-29; 1John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18.


         Greetings beloved people of God. I welcome you to "My Catholic Homily Digest". On this twenty fifth day of April, which is also the fourth Sunday of Eastertide, other words known as Good Shepherd's Sunday or Vocation's Sunday, I wish to reflect with you on the theme: " Christ Is A Shepherd In The Truest Sense". Beloved in Christ, this Sunday, we are called to reflect on the theme, "Christ, the Good Shepherd". Now, at the face value, many of us may dismiss this theme thinking that we have heard it a thousand times over. But, I wish that you journey with me today, as we unravel a new message in this age long theme. The caption, Christ the Good Shepherd, is one of those divine sayings in which  truth and love meets. The image of the Good Shepherd expresses the deepest affections, fondest musing, most docile obedience, most devoted trust, and most sacrificial love of Christ. It is a title which summed up all other titles and images of Christ as priest, prophet, king, saviour, guide, leader, master, teacher, friend, companion, and Lord.

      The image of the Good Shepherd, captions at once all the mercies, kindness, love, care, protection, providence, benevolence and discipline of God towards us (Isa. 40:11; Ezek. 34:12-27). It also reflects the thoughts and emotions of pity, gentleness, compassion, patience, and love, which God feels towards us. This image brings consolation to the weak, to those that have strayed, to those that are lost, to that that are afflicted, to those that feel strong, and to those that are scattered abroad. The image also has an eternal value, in that, Christ is not only the Good Shepherd to his flock on earth. Even in the heavenly glory, he will still be the chief Shepherd, and the great Shepherd of the entire sheep. Who now in a state of bliss, behold him face to face, and sees him as he really is in all his glory and splendour, as the second reading from 1John 3:1-2, tells us today.

      Beloved and fellow sheep, Christ is the eternal Good Shepherd because he merits it thus:

  1 . He is the Good Shepherd because he Owns the sheep.

         A ) By the gift of the Father to him (thine they were, and thine has given them to me)

           B ) By the creative ties with the Father (Even before the world was brought forth, I was there with the Father; and through me all things were created. Cf. John 1:3)

          C ) He Purchased us. (The blood he shed was not for his defence, but for the sake of his sheep whom he came to rescue. Cf. Heb. 13:20).

 2 . He is the good shepherd because he KNOWS the sheep

       A ) By their faces. Just like the ancient custom among Shepherd's is to ear- mark their sheep, Jesus Christ has put a mark on each of us, not on the ear, but on our forehead (Cf. Rev. 14:1).

         B ).  By their Names. Jesus knows each of us by name. Not merely as a man or a woman, but as Peter, Nnamdi, Lucy, Etta, Timi, Aisha Yusuf. And He calls us by our name.

           C ) By their situation. Jesus knows your present plight, he knows where you live, work and school (Cf. Acts 9:11). He knows your character, your personality and your limits.

 3 . He is the good shepherd because he FEEDS his sheep

         A ). He leads us to springs of still and flowing waters, to revive our drooping Spirit (Cf. Psalm 23).

         B ) He leads us to fruitful pasture to graze on rich food (Cf. Psalm 23).

  4 . Christ is the Good Shepherd because he LEADS the sheep

            A ) He leads the helpless sheep that has gone astray, just like he brings back the sinner that has wandered far from his love.

            B ). He leads the sheep of his flock gently, not from behind, searing them with lashes, but he is in front, drawing them close through the power of his love and adapting them to follow his steps.

              C ). He leads them in the way of righteousness, and from death's trap to the bliss of eternal life. As the ideal Shepherd, Jesus has gone before us, taking on himself, the death's trap meant for us, and emerged victorious. And now, he triumphantly leads us to heaven.

      Child of God, what is stopping you from alighning yourself among the flock of Christ. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, that cares for you. He loves you. He is looking out for you. He is calling out for you. He wants to lead you to heaven. Will you dispose yourself like an obedient sheep or would you rather be a black sheep of perdition. The choice is yours. As we celebrate the Good Shepherd's Sunday today, we remember to pray for all priests and religious men and women, who have dedicated their lives to become visible Shepherds of the flock of Christ on earth, that the good Lord may model and make them good shepherds after him. We also pray that Christ may raise good future Shepherds from among our young ones, that c they may have vocation to the priestly and religious life.... Amen.

Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts (Ps.95:7-8).

 LET US PRAY : Lord Jesus, you are the good shepherd, I beg you never to abandon me to the hands of the wolves even when I stubbornly stray from your presence.....Amen

The Lord be with you....... and with your Spirit.

 May Almighty God bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ....Amen


  @ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP.

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Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Thursday Easter Week 6 - May 13, 2021- Ascension

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