Sunday, November 22, 2020

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for the Thirty-Fourt Sunday in Ordinary time Year A - November 22, 2020 - Christ the King



 DATE : 22/11/2020

 EVENT : 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Or The Solemnity of the Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe


 READINGS : Ezek. 34:11-12.15-17; Responsorial Psalm 23:1-2a.2b-3.5.6; 1Cor. 15:20-26.28; Gospel Accl. Mark 11:9b.10a Matthew 25:31-46.





                   Greetings beloved people of God and fellow pilgrims. I welcome you to the 34th Sunday in the Ordinary time of the Church. (An Ordinary time is the season when the Church has no particular celebration). This Sunday beloved friends, I wish to reflect with us on the theme, " Get Ready to Stand Before the Judgement Throne of King Jesus". Beloved, about thirty four weeks ago, we entered the ordinary season of the Church and with the celebration of Christ the King today, technically speaking, we have come to the end of the Church's calendar year. The Church in her wisdom has set aside this Sunday for us to reflect on the Kingship of Christ, who will come at the close of the ages to judge the living and the dead and to give to each person, what his conducts deserves. The truism about life is that whatever has a begining has an end, and we shall give an account of our lives to Him who seats on the throne.


    Today dear friends, the Church wants us to reflect deeply not so much on Christ the Universal king, but on our lives as attendants of  Christ. Unlike most world leaders, presidents, kings and rulers, who lord it over the people and wield their power to the detriment of their citizens, Christ the King of kings per excellence has come to set us an example of love, of sacrifice, of patience, of tolerance, and of mercy. So that we can follow after his steps. As a king, he loves us, he watches over us, he tends to our needs, he cares for us, he sacrificed for us, he bleed for us, he suffered so much for us, and he died for us. Thus, because he has done all these for us, he requires us to do the same to each other.


   Beloved, the common denominator that underscores all that we are called upon to do so as to be able to stand ready before the judgement seat of Christ the King is LOVE. When the Lord Jesus comes again as Judge and Ruler over all, he will call each one of us to stand before his seat of judgment to answer the question: Who did you love and put first in this life? Yourself, God or your neighbour. How much love did you spend? How much sacrifices did you make for your neighbour? Hear me child of God, if we entrust our lives to the Lord Jesus today, and allow his Holy Spirit to purify our hearts and fill us with love, then he will give us the grace, strength, and freedom to walk and live each day in the power of his merciful love and goodness. So, let us entrust our lives into the hands of the merciful Saviour and King, who gave his life for us. And let us ask the him to increase our faith, hope, and love so that we may be found worthy to reign with him in his glory. God bless you


OH that today you would listen to His voice, harden not your heart (Ps. 95:7-8).


 LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, be the Master and Ruler of my life. May your love rule in my heart that I may only think, act, and speak with charity and good will for all...Amen




@ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP.

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