Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Wednesday Week 27 Ordinary time - October 7, 2020



 DATE : 7/10/2020, Wednesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time (A)

 EVENT :Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (Memorial)


 READINGS : Gal. 2:1-2.7-14 Resp. Psalm 117:2-2; Luke 11:1-4.




    Greetings beloved people of God. I welcome you to "My Catholic Homily Digest". As we celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary today, I want to reflect with us on the theme "Where is your Rosary? Aside from the Crucifix, another visible emblem of Christianity is the Holy Rosary. According to Tradition, the Holy Rosary was delivered and taught to a French priest, Dominic de Guzman by the Blessed Virgin Mary in the year AD. 1213. This was at a time when the Church in France was besieged by frightening heresies within the Church and attacks from pagans. So, Mary, appearing to Fr. Dominic entrusted him with the beads of the Rosary and Commanded him to invite other believers to pray the Holy Rosary daily. Since then, the Church has never ceased to promote devotions to Mary through the Rosary, and through the power of the Rosary the Church has been able to defeat great enemies, the Turkish fleet at Lepanto in 1571 and the Mohammedan fleet at Hungary in 1716, amongst others.


    Beloved, the Holy Rosary is a very strong weapon for those who pray it devotedly. There are several promises made by Mary to those who carry and pray the Rosary daily, especially at their dying moments. In this present age, the Rosary has been the most attacked weapon of  Christianity by the Devil, through protestant machinations. Thus, it is unfortunate that devotion to the Blessed Mary through the Rosary has drastically dwindled, partly because you and I are too shy to be seen praying the Rosary, for fear of what people will say. Often time we shy away from praying the Rosary in secular or public places, especially in the bus while travelling or in the office or workplace. We play double standard. We flaunt and pray the Rosary openly in our homes or in the Church among Catholics, but we quickly put it away once we enter a public domain where people of other faith are present. Shame on us.


   This is exactly what St. Paul reprimanded Cephas (St. Peter), of in the first reading of today, when he stopped eating with Gentiles as soon as his Jewish friends arrived. Beloved, Where is your Rosary? Are you proud to pray the Rosary publicly? Are you a promoter of the devotion to Mary through the Rosary? Have you ever bought the Rosary as a gift to somebody? Truth is, let us not be too shy to hold, carry and pray our Rosary in the public, because it is our identity, it is our weapon of warfare which is not carnal, it is Mary's gift to us. I promise to carry and pray my Rosary where ever I go from today, what about you? God bless you.


   Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts (Ps.95:7-8)


 LET US PRAY : Oh Holy Mary, most compassionate of virgins, receive my earnest prayers, calm my fears and give me the courage to pray my Rosary faithfully....Amen




@ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP.

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